When your business sponsors The Sacramento Blues Society your rewards are many. We have developed a wide range of visibility benefits that will keep your business in front of our members via our website, newsletters, emails, and social media posts.
As a sponsor you will be supporting Sacramento's premier organization which acts as the ambassador for the blues. You help support our programs, from The Sacramento Blues Hall of Fame Inductions to grass roots assistance for musicians in need via The Gene Chambers Musicians Crisis Fund. You will be there on the front lines with us as we help young musicians develop their blues skills in our Blues In The Schools Program.
In exchange for your sponsorship, you will gain access to information, discounts and event announcements and will be among the first to hear of special program initiatives and offers. But most importantly, you will become part of this fantastic Blues family which shares your love of the Blues, past, present and future.
As a sponsor you will be supporting Sacramento's premier organization which acts as the ambassador for the blues. You help support our programs, from The Sacramento Blues Hall of Fame Inductions to grass roots assistance for musicians in need via The Gene Chambers Musicians Crisis Fund. You will be there on the front lines with us as we help young musicians develop their blues skills in our Blues In The Schools Program.
In exchange for your sponsorship, you will gain access to information, discounts and event announcements and will be among the first to hear of special program initiatives and offers. But most importantly, you will become part of this fantastic Blues family which shares your love of the Blues, past, present and future.
$1500 Platinum
$1000 Gold
$500 Silver
$250 Bronze
$100 Blue
Click here to download our Sponsorship Application
For more information about sponsorship please contact our Fundraising Committee at [email protected]